Divine Indwelling

God is love and all who live in love live in God and God lives in them.

1 John 4 v 16


It is a key concept of the Christian Spiritual Tradition that deep within us, below the level of our ordinary awareness, lies the divine energy that is the source and ground of our being. Fr. Thomas refers to this as the Divine Indwelling but not everyone feels comfortable with the idea as he discusses in Part 1 of the DVD “That We May be One”. On this account I felt moved to provide a chant on the subject.

When I came upon this versicle from the first Epistle of John I knew I had the ideal lyric but the joyful tune that followed took me completely by surprise. I thought it rather corny until I realised where it could be taken; so, here’s a canon for 2 voices with an ostinato bass ground. It is best sung unaccompanied, the guitar chords being provided only as a support for learning the tune. Once the (identical) second voice is added a bar behind they cease to work. I haven’t put any phrase marks on the bass part because it helps the continuity if everyone breathes in a different place.

Listen to Voice 1

Listen to Bass


Choral Score

MP3 Audio